Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope and Childishness

In his latest article "Hope and Fear", James Howard Kunstler has come out and shown amazing childishness in his belief that Obama is here to save us or serve us or in any way help us lowly people from the ill effects of Peak Oil.

I like James Kunstler. He taught me a lot. I have his book, "The Long Emergency". He is an excellent statesman for issues that he understands. But he is delusional if he thinks that elitist stooge Obama can or even wants to give us lowly serfs some positive change.

Oh, how nice it must be to believe. If Kunstler can believe with his dark cynicism then maybe we can all suspend reality and just believe?

I believe that every person has within them the ability to do great things on the level of Mother Theresa or Ghandi or Christ. But when a person is ground up and chewed up and comprimised by sex, murder and drugs and illegal status as Obama is and as all of our recent presidents (and all key administration persons) then why pretend that the person will come out shining like a bolt of lightning against the very sewer system that gave them all their power to begin with?

Obama serves his masters, as Bush and Clinton did. It is the 1) war machine, the 2) police state and the 3) bankers and 4) pharmaceutical companies and 5) big agriculture and 6) big chemical and 7) globalists.

Did I leave anyone out? That is basically who owns Obama and I would actually put the bankers in first place and merge them with the globalists... those are the guys that orchestrate things right now, may they suffer 10 fold for all their crimes.

"The "change" we face in agriculture dwarfs even the death throes of Happy
Motoring (and is not unrelated to it either). A lot of people are likely to
starve in America if we don't get our act together pronto in terms of how we
produce the food we eat."

And who specifically is interested in that we "get our act together" in order to avoid mass starvation in America?

See, Kunstler thinks that all of this is incompetence.

Ha, yeah, due to their incompetence 3 million innocent Iraqis are dead and 25% of them are displaced. And due to their incompetence, the bankers get to print 8.5 trillion dollars and give it to themselves in secret with no chance of court action agasint them according to the bill they got passed.

VERY incompetent Kunslter. Duh. Can't this guy connect the dots?

"I don't see how America can confront the "change" represented by the stark fact
that suburbia-is-toast. It is the sorest spot of all in the corpus of a culture
beset by disease and debility."
This is Kunstler's strong point. If he just sticks with his ability to show us how stupid are the masses of society, he will be telling the truth. But as soon as he goes to politics he is all washed up on the beach of misplaced paradigms. He actually believes that we have an election process. He thinks that our presidential candidates are people who act on their own. He thinks that the bankers are incompetent at helping all of us out in our daily struggles.

Baffoonish, childish idiocy can't be tolerated anymore. We are way past the point of pretending that the US government and money and industry are staffed by people that are incompetently building a prison around us with them holding whips and we wearing shackles. How is that incompetent?

A prisoner might also say: "Hey, the jail guards are incompetent when they try to give us freedom and a good life".

Yeah, incompetent jail guards. Ha.

"It will be stirring to watch Barack Obama's inauguration... Euphoria is a
legitimate part of the human condition... Many Americans of good will also stand
ready to face reality, to roll up our sleeves... and put our shoulders to the
wheel to haul this nation into a plausible future. For the moment: a rousing cry
of "Good Luck!" To President Obama from this little outpost of Clusterfuck

What is he talking about?

Is he on Mars reading romance novels or what?

James Howard Kunstler... when will you wake up to the reality?

Cheers, Tate

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


Monitoring Crashes / Finding Soul-utions