Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dear friends,

Larry Edelson has written a story on Money & Markets in which he newly discovers the advantage of investing in gold.

The full article is here -->

I like what this guy has to say, but I want to correct a few possible misconceptions that Larry might be presenting to his readers.

His conclusion begins half way through the article like this...

So I repeat my warnings: Steer completely clear of the bond markets!


In addition to all of the above, the real estate market is still in shambles ... and stocks are not yet out of the woods either. So what's left? Cash and Gold


My opinion: Everyone should have most (at least 75%) of their liquid net worth in cash, tucked away in short-term Treasury-bill only funds.

What? Why 75%?

But, remember, your cash is at risk of losing its purchasing power. That's true whether we're talking about the dollar, the British pound, the euro, or any other currency.

Right, the currencies are all going to hell. So why the large amount in cash?

So I suggest you hold some gold "the ultimate currency." I suggest an allocation of up to 25% of your liquid net worth.

Wait a minute... cash is devaluing and gold is the "ultimate currency" and it is set to boom... so why put 75% into the crash and 25% into the boom?

More on that in a moment. First, I want to show you what gold looks like when a currency is collapsing... (snip) ...Gold has now closed above the important $879 level. Its next important level is $929.

Once gold closes above $929 new record highs will be forthcoming.

Now I ask you again, "What's not to like about gold?!"


Is that it? What about Larry's idiotic reasoning regarding the 75-25 gold to cash?

P.S. For my latest core gold and natural resource recommendations, including how to invest the recommended 25% gold allocation ... see my gala 2009 Real Wealth Report Forecast issue. And note: With an annual membership to Real Wealth Report , you get monthly hard-hitting, unbiased analysis ... all of my buy and sell signals ... and flash alerts. Click here to join!... (snip)

OK, I see... Larry wants to sell his recommendation with a membership to Well that is fine if he is actually helping someone make sense of this crash. But for such a prominent analyst, his advice seems pretty simpleton to me.

I will assume that Larry will say that you need 75% cash because firstly, cash won't be available and secondly, a lot of bargains will start showing up on the market as the USA has one giant garage sale.

If you have 10,000 liquid assets and if your expenses are 2k per month, this idea may make some sense to put 7,500 away for the bank run. I don't know exactly how to plan for this event because of all the uncertainties.

What if you have 10 million? I wouldn't keep 7.5 million in cash.

What if you have 100? Hey times are tough and many people will have only 100 dollars to their name. Should they keep 75 dollars and put 25 dollars into a gold flake?

I don't want to be too hard on him because there are so few people speaking the truth these days. Larry comes to the right general conclusion and the first half of his article is spot on. The second half is simpleton but still has some value. However, here is the thing... gold and especially silver are about to EXPLODE in valuation now. They have been artificially manipulated downwards for 30 years. Their boom won't happen in a one-time spike. It will be huge. I predict a 4+ year boom event that never returns to anywhere close to today's low valuation for a number of reasons that I won't go into here. The gold boom will be bigger than the housing boom, bigger than the internet boom. Why? Because the precious metals market is so small in comparison and demand is so much bigger by comparison.

Which of these two are more relevant to the regular guy?:
1) A stock certificate for an IT company or
2) a one ounce silver coin?

Which has the greater global appeal to the guy driving a taxi in Budapest or Bangkok? Obviously, the metal with a 6,000 year record of never losing value is the winner over the paper valued instrument that always loses value every time among thousands of examples throughout history that never held value even once over the long term.

Best of all, you don't get taxed on the stuff. Just sell and walk away with liquidity for getting necessities or whatever you need, when you need it.

So I would advise to get as deep as possible as soon as possible and be ready to hold on for at least 2 years, maybe 5. Within that time period, we will be in precious metals boom city. And cash will be going towards the Weimar-Argentina-Zimbabwe model.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bankers are not incompetent, Karl Denninger' analysis is.
- By Tate Ulsaker

In the latest post from Karl Denninger titled "There Is Only One Solution To The Banking Crisis", he surmises,

"The country stands on the precipice... Thanks to the arrogance, hubristic
strutting and serial incompetence of the Government and a group of bankers, the
possibility of national bankruptcy is not unrealistic."

I am going to stop reading or taking seriously people who think that our banker-globalist class are incompetant.

  • It is like calling carpet bombing of civilian homes incompetent as the bodies get buried under the rubble as planned.
  • It is like calling a sniper assassin incompetent as the target drops to the ground as planned.
  • It is like calling a demolition expert incompetent when the building implodes and then falls down as planned.

All of these things represent COMPETENT DESTRUCTION.

Except in the banker case, they get 8.5 trillion dollars for their "incompetence" and they also get a "get out of jail card free" because they wrote into the bill that everything needs to be done in secret.

It is the incompetence of journalists and analysts that can't tell a bank robbery when they see one.

The treasury is being RAIDED and the economy is being IMPLODED on purpose by crafty, devious, accurate, talented, bold, greedy people.

The banker-printer-globalist-elitist class can be called a lot of things, but they cannot be called incompetent.

You Karl Denninger, are incompetent!

By your false analysis into the obviously deliberate crimes by the banker class, you hinder or block our chances for a proper investigation and prosecution.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope and Childishness

In his latest article "Hope and Fear", James Howard Kunstler has come out and shown amazing childishness in his belief that Obama is here to save us or serve us or in any way help us lowly people from the ill effects of Peak Oil.

I like James Kunstler. He taught me a lot. I have his book, "The Long Emergency". He is an excellent statesman for issues that he understands. But he is delusional if he thinks that elitist stooge Obama can or even wants to give us lowly serfs some positive change.

Oh, how nice it must be to believe. If Kunstler can believe with his dark cynicism then maybe we can all suspend reality and just believe?

I believe that every person has within them the ability to do great things on the level of Mother Theresa or Ghandi or Christ. But when a person is ground up and chewed up and comprimised by sex, murder and drugs and illegal status as Obama is and as all of our recent presidents (and all key administration persons) then why pretend that the person will come out shining like a bolt of lightning against the very sewer system that gave them all their power to begin with?

Obama serves his masters, as Bush and Clinton did. It is the 1) war machine, the 2) police state and the 3) bankers and 4) pharmaceutical companies and 5) big agriculture and 6) big chemical and 7) globalists.

Did I leave anyone out? That is basically who owns Obama and I would actually put the bankers in first place and merge them with the globalists... those are the guys that orchestrate things right now, may they suffer 10 fold for all their crimes.

"The "change" we face in agriculture dwarfs even the death throes of Happy
Motoring (and is not unrelated to it either). A lot of people are likely to
starve in America if we don't get our act together pronto in terms of how we
produce the food we eat."

And who specifically is interested in that we "get our act together" in order to avoid mass starvation in America?

See, Kunstler thinks that all of this is incompetence.

Ha, yeah, due to their incompetence 3 million innocent Iraqis are dead and 25% of them are displaced. And due to their incompetence, the bankers get to print 8.5 trillion dollars and give it to themselves in secret with no chance of court action agasint them according to the bill they got passed.

VERY incompetent Kunslter. Duh. Can't this guy connect the dots?

"I don't see how America can confront the "change" represented by the stark fact
that suburbia-is-toast. It is the sorest spot of all in the corpus of a culture
beset by disease and debility."
This is Kunstler's strong point. If he just sticks with his ability to show us how stupid are the masses of society, he will be telling the truth. But as soon as he goes to politics he is all washed up on the beach of misplaced paradigms. He actually believes that we have an election process. He thinks that our presidential candidates are people who act on their own. He thinks that the bankers are incompetent at helping all of us out in our daily struggles.

Baffoonish, childish idiocy can't be tolerated anymore. We are way past the point of pretending that the US government and money and industry are staffed by people that are incompetently building a prison around us with them holding whips and we wearing shackles. How is that incompetent?

A prisoner might also say: "Hey, the jail guards are incompetent when they try to give us freedom and a good life".

Yeah, incompetent jail guards. Ha.

"It will be stirring to watch Barack Obama's inauguration... Euphoria is a
legitimate part of the human condition... Many Americans of good will also stand
ready to face reality, to roll up our sleeves... and put our shoulders to the
wheel to haul this nation into a plausible future. For the moment: a rousing cry
of "Good Luck!" To President Obama from this little outpost of Clusterfuck

What is he talking about?

Is he on Mars reading romance novels or what?

James Howard Kunstler... when will you wake up to the reality?

Cheers, Tate

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Profitable Crash Benefits Owners of the Federal Reserve System
- by Tate Ulsaker

The crash of 2008 has given Wall Street its worst year since the Great Depression. As a result, negative growth has been projected for the world economy in 2009, an event not seen since the 1950’s. According to Lewis Alexander, the chief economist at Citigroup, “Since their peak over the summer, global equity markets have lost about $25 trillion in value. This represents about 40 per cent of global GDP.”

The losses are widely predicted to grow during 2009 as hyperinflation and rebounding commodity prices come into play alongside further cleansing of toxic debts. The Wall Street Casino might even collapse global banking structures if the 500+ trillion dollars in derivatives begin to unpredictably unwind.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a former CEO of Goldman Sachs, admitted on December 18 to a sold out crowd in New York that the initial $700 billion rescue legislation was intended to support companies solely in the financial sector. Current projections for the bailout are 8.5 trillion US dollars, or 60% of United States GDP, much of it hidden from public view and secretly given to unknown entities, with Goldman Sachs a likely priority for Mr. Paulson.

Paulson threatens martial law on congress if the bankers don’t get trillions… is that extortion?
In a popular video going viral on the internet, Congressman Brad Sherman told Americans, "The only way they can pass this bill is by creating and sustaining a panic atmosphere. That atmosphere is not justified. Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day, another couple of thousand the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no.” (emphasis mine – ed.)

According to Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Henry Paulson was behind the threat of martial law, an act unprecedented in US history. These coerced bailouts that are given out in secret, without checks and balances might be called National Socialism or Soviet Corporatism, but the one thing they cannot be called is free market Capitalism. In free market capitalism, we let failure go bankrupt, whether large or small.

Who are these bankers and financiers that cause the economy to crash as they give themselves windfall profits while pretending to be our saviors? The media tells us that elite bankers like Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson are fighting for our interests and they just need more time or more money or, in some cases the media will tell us that that these elite bankers are acting like incompetent fools and they don’t know what they are doing.

If we are able to look beyond the media hype, past the personality disorders and into the core of the money system itself, we see the truth. Follow the money trails, not the small ones but the ultra giant tsunami of money flows. To understand this, we will first look at the fundamentals of the money system and how it works. If we dare to stare, we will see a highly competent criminal system that is deliberately crashing the value of real assets and they are preparing to take control over those assets as their new owners. The greatest crime in the history of the world happening right now because the scale of theft is far greater than what was done in the last great wealth transfer of 1929.

Prepare to be shocked.

Here are a few facts on Federal Reserve System: It is not a government organization, but is a private entity owned by international bankers and financiers. It has never been taxed. It has never been independently audited. It has been functioning illegally for almost 100-years according to the guidelines of the US Constitution that strictly prohibit any entity other than Congress from minting the nation’s currency. In the truest essence, the Federal Reserve is an illegal counterfeiting operation. It was voted into existence by just a few Congressmen, during the last hours December 23, 1913 when most Congressmen had already left for the holidays. Shares of ownership in the Federal Reserve System cannot be purchased on the open market but are privately owned and passed down through the generations by many of the old financial names in Europe dating back to ancient banking times. These Anglo-Saxon banking families are in the business of transferring wealth to themselves through their fraudulent system of usury. They have an extremely long view on this process as shown by their consolidation and ownership in media, industry, government and non-government entities. As one prominent European banker said long ago, “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes its laws.” - Mayer Rothschild. The nature of the Federal Reserve System is well documented by G. Edward Griffin for his book, “The Creature from Jekyll Island”.

To easily learn more, please google search words like “Federal Reserve” and “Fiat currency” and “debt-based monetary system”, etc… to find thousands of credible resources in every type of media at no cost instantly at your fingertips for as long as the free internet is available in present form. Use your own discernment regarding the sources of this information and double check everything. In the end, you will come to understand that these people own more than simply the money system. They also control a large share of everything that uses their money system.

Unfortunately, most of the world now functions according to the same type of system. They are able to do this because we let them. We willingly give them power over us because we have pledged our assets and goals and children’s future into their fraudulent money system and we falsely expect them to represent our interests. Instead, they use our assets against us and against our countrymen and against most of the world to varying degrees.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Founding Father of the United States, Thomas Jefferson wrote that in 1802 to then Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin.

Let’s examine what happens when you go to a bank and take out a loan against your home. First, the borrower goes to the bank and puts his home up as collateral in exchange for the bank loan. Once the loan is approved, the banker simply credits the account of the borrower with principal made out of thin air. Money creation is literally as simple as counterfeiting money from your Xerox machine. Bankers just hit “Print” and money is brought into existence. From that point, the bank asks the borrower to repay the principle of the loan PLUS also he must pay interest on the loan. The only problem is that the interest was not created and so it does not exist in the market. The only way that borrowers can repay interest is when debts are increased or some borrowers go bankrupt or both. Now we see the essence of counterfeiting and usury within the same process of money creation.

Every dollar printed comes into existence only when a debt is taken by someone or by a business or a governmental entity. If all dollar debts were repaid, there would be no dollars in existence. Total money supply and total debts are intimately intertwined and run the exact same curve. They expand because that is how the system functions. And then they crash because that is how the system functions. End of story.

Additional tools for making the crash bigger, faster, and more under Federal Reserve control include Fractional Reserve Banking and Derivatives.

Fractional reserve banking is used to accelerate money creation and to bring more vulnerability in times of a bank run, ultimately benefiting the bankers with deflationary bargains at the time of collapse. As defined by Wikipedia: “Fractional-reserve banking is the banking practice in which banks keep only a fraction of their deposits in reserve (as cash and other liquid assets) with the choice of lending out the remainder, while maintaining the simultaneous obligation to redeem all deposits immediately upon demand.”

Derivatives undermine confidence in markets by generating wild price swings due to paper multiples that are now far in excess of many original underlying assets throughout the market. The Wall Street Journal reported that “Derivatives grew into a massive bubble, from about $100 trillion to $516 trillion by 2007.” Who knows where derivatives are now in 2009?

Nothing destroys a productive society faster than a debauched monetary system. Our current money system is based on counterfeit wealth generation and usury and derivative pricing in investment markets resulting in crash, which entails wealth transfers that benefit schemers and hurt honest hard working society. Such a system is clearly identifiable now and the crime is obviously taking place and such a crime has no place in our world. Look at the personalities that gravitate towards these systems! They bring nothing good to the world, but only wars, slavery, corruption and death. They don’t have the heart of a producer or a saver. Rather, they have the heart of a parasite that enjoys killing its host.

These bankers and money managers didn’t produce a bushel of wheat or an ounce of gold or a single item for sale at the market, and yet they have gained obscene control over the levers of global industry, government and currency. Now, during this 2008 crash event, they are again positioning for another massive transfer of wealth. We don’t have to participate in our own monetary slavery. Rather, we can get out of their system and benefit greatly while decreasing their control and ability to wage economic war against us, and against the world.

I woke up to the evil nature of this system in the year 2000. Since that time, I have been learning and warning others about the crash that we see unfolding right now. Whereas, a few years ago people would tend to laugh it off, at this time people are not laughing. Most people today are either listening or engaging in active dialogue because they feel that something is seriously wrong with the foundations of money and they sense that the money system is one of the fundamental reasons for the dire situation in the world today on many levels, not only related to this crash.

I wish to clearly explain the problem of debt-money in this article so that you can find your own personal solution and benefit greatly during the process of reducing your exposure to this system and so you can sleep more peacefully at night knowing that your assets are safer and your children have a better chance to achieve their dreams.

To make my point about the nature of this crash, I need only one graph. The most illustrative graph showing the monetary system driven crash tendencies of both 1929 and 2008 is the “Total Debts to Total Gross Domestic Product (GDP)” graph.

Chart taken from -

There are a number of ways to count debt and GDP. So long as the measurements are constant through the whole period, the graphs always look the same. Let this graph above become very clear in your mind and you might even test it in another country of interest. As you can see, the graph covers approximately 100-years and shows the point of debt-cleansing crash on both ends. The numbers follow along a giant “U” shaped curve that peaks just before the crash of 1929 when the high debt to GDP was corrected sharply down. Then the debts began compounding again until they rose even higher to historically unprecedented levels at the right side of the “U”.

When the market builds up prior to the crash, bankers are taking your interest payments and expanding debts ever more because ever more principle is required to repay interest that keeps compounding on aggregate new debts. Money supply increases. Then, after the tipping point is reached, the market crashes. At this time, the bankers are using liquidity created by themselves in the form of profits and bailout money and additional debts and anything they can find to buy up artificially depressed real assets. They always win because the casino always favors the house.

What can you do?

At this late hour, a huge crash is inevitable. It is like a train going 300 kilometers per hour down a mountainside. Meanwhile, as the train begins to lose control, the conductors are putting more coal into the fire and they are cutting the break wires and they are loosening the wheels from the axels in an effort to guarantee a massive and profitable crash as soon as possible. Many of us are so busy calling them incompetent and we don’t realize that these managers and the owners of the train want it to crash. The conductors are people like Paulson and Bernanke. Their job is to keep us artificially confident in their system, calmly sitting in their train while they crash our assets into their ownership.

But the world is backing out of the dollar based system, and you should too.

Much of the world has been unwinding dollar-based debt as evidenced by this current temporary rise in the demand for the dollar. The dollar index is not rising on fundamentals of dollar value but simply relative value compared to the other devaluing currencies within the fiat currency basket. Think of the dollar index as a comparative between the world’s largest parachutists jumping out of an airplane. All of them are floating downwards, but some are going downwards faster than others giving the illusion that some are rising while others are falling. Make no mistake, the dollar is worth about 2% of what it was worth 100-years ago. The trend is uni-directional towards eventual zero value. This is true of all fiat currency systems without exception among thousands of examples.

Very soon, due to pressures too numerous to name here, the dollar is about to reach runaway inflation (devaluation) on levels not seen in the history of the US. In an article called “Ten Major Threats Facing the U.S. Dollar in 2009”, By Eric_deCarbonnel on January 02, 2009, the summary concludes “The downside of being the world's reserve is that everyone is sitting on a great pile of your money, which they could decide to dump back into circulation.”

At this moment, increasingly more people are getting out of their dollar-based investments and many of them haven’t yet decided where to put their dollars. Please do not find the false comforts of another debt-based currency. Remember that global economic systems today are based on fiat currency systems like what the Federal Reserve System represents and this is the time of asset transfer for many of those systems as well.

Many smart people will trade in their devaluing dollars for precious metals. Gold and silver have always done well in times of currency inflation. Others will go into commodities or niche business sectors where growth is possible in difficult times. Your strategy will depend upon your priorities and opportunities. You can make your own strategy more easily if you have a clear and factual understanding of debt-based currency and this is what I have tried to give you here in this article. Was I successful? Do you have questions or comments? Don’t hesitate to write at

Tate Ulsaker was born in India in 1965. He received his BA in Business from the University of Central Florida. He currently owns a 12-year old market research company in Russia with a staff of 25 and a client base of more than 350 large multinational clients. Mr. Ulsaker would like to thank his mentor, Dr. Nazeem Seyed-Mohamed, Senior Lecturer at Uppsala University's Department of Business Studies for his success.

Wall St closes out worst year since Depression -
Diagnosing depression, -
Financial tsunami wipes out banks and $25 trillion off global shares -
World stocks end up after historic losses -
Economy to shrink 0.4% next year: IIF -
Where'd the bailout money go? Shhhh, it's a secret -
Paulson has no regrets as he readies to leave office -
Rep. Brad Sherman says Congress threatened with Martial Law if bill is not passed -
Derivatives the new 'ticking bomb' -
Ten Major Threats Facing the U.S. Dollar in 2009 -


Monitoring Crashes / Finding Soul-utions