Thursday, September 22, 2005

Just a few days ago, Matt Simmons used the term "collapsing civilization", and now Mike Ruppert says that "the United States is finished... with the arrival of Hurricane Rita."

FTW: "CNN is now predicting $5 per gallon gasoline..."

My Comment: I have read a couple of credible reports that the US industrial system will start breaking down at 4 USD per gallon. Makes sense. It is not just gas, but everything that depends upon gas, which is everything, going up in price forever until the system snaps.

FTW: "...I am certain that – barring divine intervention – the United States is finished; not only as a superpower, but possibly even as a single, unified nation with the arrival of Hurricane Rita."

My comment: Wow, it is not every day that a guy like Mike Ruppert goes out on a limb and gets it totally wrong. I should clearly state that I agree with him absolutely regarding the "US is finished" part. I know that the US will fall very soon but, since the storm didn't even hit yet, it seems a bit premature, but then perhaps he has already seen the cracks in the wall begin to burst.

In a related matter, I have heard from credible reports that the US is finished as a world power at 4 USD per gallon sustained and country-wide. It looks like we are near that time now. Using that famous metaphor (Arabian?)... "the stick that breaks the camel's back".

Well, nobody wants to feel condemned, so all serious and bad news should be accompanied with some positive advice, so here it goes:

Sell on-grid home, sell car if possible or at least downsize, buy all the silver you can, learn to farm organically, get your family back together, get defensive economically with minimum outflows, rent in a community of organic producers until land prices come back to the ground. Interact as a necessary component within a sustainable community in a place where you want to live. Basically we need to orient our life closer to an 1800's way of life and huge profit awaits those who shift from the promissory, debt-based, paper economy to the new asset, commodity, gold, silver, wheat, honey, corn, beans, lumber economy.

Life during a crash and post-crash doesn't have to reflect life of a crashing society. You can benefit from a crash by acting prior to the worst part of it. Promote responsible proaction. Start with youself and your family. Get oriented on the next age before it orients you away from our present collapsing age because Rita or no Rita, the US is finished and so is our way of life.

As Bush said, taking him out of context, "our way of life is non-negotiable". Yes it is. We can't negotiate our way to stay in it but we can benefit greatly by proactively positioning ourselves as far away from it as we can prior to the crash.

I just don’t understand why so many people refuse to talk about it.

Do you know that when the Tsunami hit in Sri Lanka, there was a guy riding his bicycle along the beach saying to the people, “Big wave, run! Big wave is coming, get out of here!”

The indicators were all there for locals. The tide was acting funny for hours beforehand and then there was the fact that a wall of water was clearly visible 10-minutes out if not more.

I feel like that guy on his bicycle sometimes and I see that most people are putting on their suntan lotion and telling me to shut up. We have become such a haughty and egotistical and selfishly oriented culture in the west.

Interestingly, those who grow up in a collapse are wise, frugal, considerate and thoughtful by comparison.

These are just facts of human nature. So, perhaps it is time for us to be corrected as a people, along with this correction on our way of life. I just don’t see why more of us can’t get oriented in the right direction before being corrected by the cascading collapse of industry, economy, politics, society and everything else coming our way – namely population correction, which ought to scare the hell out of we who see the current trend towards escalating resource wars.

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Monitoring Crashes / Finding Soul-utions