Friday, January 06, 2006

LifeboatArkBuilders Live a Lonely Challenge

Underappreciated and sometimes ridiculed, many people in today's various truth movements are destined to save part of the world from the folly of our elite and their manipulated sleepwalking masses. But many truth speakers today find that it is not easy to save even a small number of familiar people from themselves.

Firstly, they must face and understand the ominous abyss of Peak Oil threats that are sizing up to be the greatest single challenge to humankind since Noah's Flood.

Secondly, they must rise up to meet unfathomable challenges for which everybody is wholly and woefully unprepared. Besides that, there seems to be little time before the Peak Oil crash sets it's teeth into industry, populations and civilization itself. Alone, nothing can be done, but building networks is almost impossible due to the lack of desire in society to seek understanding.

Without getting religious on the patient reader, I believe that Matthew 7:7 is a reference to anyone of any creed, age, sex, era, faith, background to use with gauranteed success for finding truth in this world. In that verse, God promises us that if we seek, we can know truth. If we just knock, the doorway to truth will be opened to us. But society doesn't care about truth or is scared to face it. Without desire to knock, often repeatedly and sometimes requiring an heroic effort, we fail to reap the rewards of God's promise.

But facing truth is time consuming and discomforting to some. It means time away from the consumer lifestyle and all of it's trimmings, which seem to beguile and distract westerners to no end today.
Ironically, while our burgeoning poor are obsessed with survival out of necessity, a small class of resource-rich westerners are so obsessed with themselves that they no longer have time to consider what life is all about. The disconnect between the classes harkens back to every other empire that ever was. Egyptians had their people slaves and they used their time to become obsessed with themselves unto their ultimate failure as selfish pharaohs. We have our cheap energy slaves and have used our time to become obsessed with ourselves unto our ultimate failure as couch potatoes.
Whether our elite class become self-obsessed through human slaves, like a pharaoh, or through energy slaves, like a potato, the result is always collapse. The clear lesson for empires throughout all time is: We aren't here on earth to worship ourselves, but we always do whenever we have the chance and we always suffer collapse because of our desire to "be as god".
The above picture was drawn by Sergei U. Rukavishnikov of According to his profile, Sergei invites us to name his pictures. I named the above picture "Lonely Challenge", and my subtitle is" "Face the Truth and Dare to Dream!"
There exist a minority of people who dare to face the truth in our dire times. Using a plethora of credible indicators, we see collapse imminent and we dare to find inspiration and meaningful purpose for our lives, moving beyond the animal reaction of the survival mode and into, we hope, a thriving community of like-minted organic producing networks that act humanely and prevent inhumane acts so typical from powerful people despirate to maintain control over their slaves throughout the ages.

In my small newsgroup, I am privileged to have as members such as the following people:

  1. Robert Atack of New Zealand's top sites and
  2. Robert Waldrup of the mega 6,000+ member newsgroup on Peak Oil
  3. Ronald Greek, who wrote the popular guide -
  4. Gwen, an avid Peaknik activist
  5. Nathan, a technical silver analyst - Peak-Oil-Profit
  6. Ted Howard of of the Nelson Peak Oil Action, Study and Support Group
  7. Jerom, author of a new Israeli Peak Oil site -

... and many others that might not necessarily have an internet presence but they are active directly waking others to the coming crash horror and trying to prod their network into action. (Note: I know that I missed some people so please clue me in and allow me to amend this post.)

Truth quickens the spirit within us. If anyone will dare to measure and analyze the many sources and indicators of truth today, they will be quickened beyond anything they had previously imagined. There is no reason to be without a strong purpose and meaning in life today. Certainly no excuse for being bored. A crash is coming and we at the Diverse credible resources, when measured carefully, all point towards multiple streams of converging catastrophes unlike anything we have ever seen in the history of humankind.

  • PEAK OIL (physical)
  • KONDRATIEFF WAVE (economic)
  • BIBLE PROPHECY (spiritual)

Which of the above sciences and resources explain the below 15 trends?

  1. Rise in price of petroleum continually (cost of EVERYTHING follows)
  2. Collapse of real estate (especially on-grid types)
  3. Collapse of all fiat currencies (what we mistakenly call "money" today)
  4. Collapse of stock and debt markets (see currency and petroleum)
  5. Rising deficit of all products, ration cards
  6. Boom in commodities (especially survival and wealth storage commodities)
  7. NEW PHENOMENA - "Resource
    Riots" meet "Police State Lockdown" in mega-cities and suburbia.

  8. Deterioration of national sovereignty and personal freedoms
  9. Rise of global corporate+government powers
  10. Rise of human enslavement by the global elite (again)
  11. More imbedded RFID chips and other human tracking systems
  12. Escalation of resource wars (and crimes against humanity)
  13. Increase in global climate change (as we burn more dirty fuels)
  14. Escalation of disease (natural + intentionally released)
  15. Human dieback (not die all the way off, but "depopulate" from current levels *perhaps dramatically*)

... and these are all PRIMARY TRENDS, on their way towards something fearful by any measurement: physical, social, economic, and spiritual.

Join our newsgroup to move beyond the symptoms of these primary trends, for example:

  • Powerdown and relocalization and global climate change / species dieoff / carrying capacity destruction, etc... (physical);
  • Winter cycle, social strife, division of classes, resource riots, police state, plagues from depleted uranium and bio-engineered flu, war (social);
  • Systemic collapse of whole industries, grid-reliant real estate collapse, cascading cross defaults, a la Greenspan, of fiat currencies and paper denominated paper like stocks and bonds and bills and even gold, in the case when your investment in gold is just in a "pool", unallocated and juggled between various accounts by your financial institution (economic);
  • Great deception, spirtual blindness, the blending of and verticalization of apostate religions, forced human tracking, new rise in human slavery by the elite, mis-guided attacks against Christians world wide (spiritual).

Nobody knows the day or tie time of Armageddon, but something similar to that prophescy seems to be coming into view.

As a species, it is possible that we will meet our fiery judgement through clumsy nuclear resource wars as soon as this year. Alternatively, we may meet our fiery judgement in a billion years when the sun finally expands to engulf the earth. (see Freeze, Fry or Dry: How Long Has the Earth Got? By Robert Roy Britt)

As Preservationists, our job is not to prophesize and wait like overly-pious modern day Pharisees. Our goal is to learn, apply, teach and continue learning some more about how to defend against and thrive within the coming convergence of disasters, which are clearly visible right before our very eyes. But in times of economic collapse, which I believe will take place first, wealth is not destroyed but merely transferred. In this case, from holders of fiat paper to holders of hard assets, commodities and sustainable commodity producing systems. Beyond that collapse, we have about 50-years of depression to endure and to manifest purpose and meaning in life during times of greatest need ever in history, as the world dies back, hopefully naturally and slowly and humanely, to sustainable carrying capacity levels.

The opposite of danger is not security. The opposite of danger is opportunity!

I am seeking electronic archives of videos, audios, websites and documents (including books). Anyone willing to give me useful archives will receive double the amount given. Send your data specifications and requests here:

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Monitoring Crashes / Finding Soul-utions